Ideal opción para… Conocer Cuba
Cuba como destino turístico es mucho más que hermosas playas y sol. Para quienes deseen descubrir toda su riqueza existe CubaNatura Tours. Para estos expertos en viajes a la mayor de Las Antillas, mostrar el tesoro patrimonial cubano es una pasión que contagia, no sólo a su creativo equipo de jóvenes versados en turismo, idiomas, cultura y naturaleza, sino a prestigiosos colaboradores de las más importantes instituciones culturales y educacionales del país. CubaNatura Tours ofrece viajes a la carta, en función de las expectativas y presupuestos de sus clientes en cualquiera de las campos temáticos y modalidades que trabaja: de aventura y naturaleza, turismo rural, comunitario, de voluntarismo, educacional, cultural en sus diferentes manifestaciones, incluida la arquitectura; de congresos e incentivos, entre otros; con programas bien estructurados y ricos en experiencias que siempre van más allá de lo imaginado. Desde su fundación en 1999, CubaNatura Tours ha sido consecuente con su filosofía: promover los principios del turismo responsable en el diseño y ejecución de todos sus proyectos. Los viajes de CubaNatura Tours se distinguen por un seguimiento personalizado desde el comienzo, hasta su segura culminación. CubaNatura Tours le ofrece la opción de descubrir la otra Cuba en un ambiente de amistad y responsabilidad, razón por la que algunas de las más prestigiosas instituciones del mundo la han escogido para organizar sus viajes, como la Universidad de Stanford, el Museo de Arte de Los Ángeles, GlobeAware, Elder Treks y otras muchas entidades.
Existe esa otra Cuba. ¡Descúbrala! CubaNatura Tours invita.
The expert choices to get… to know Cuba
Cuba as a tourist destination has much more to offer than just beautiful beaches and sunshine. For those willing to discover all of its richness, CubaNatura Tours exists. For this team of experts on trips to the largest Caribbean island, showing Cuba’s national heritage is a passion they pass on not only to their creative young staff –distinguishable for their exquisite knowledge on tourism, languages, culture and nature– but also to a number of prestigious collaborators from the most important cultural and educational institutions of the country. CubaNatura Tours works very hard to create a-la-carte trips that can meet the expectations and budgets of the most demanding visitors in any of the different fields their tours focus on; including adventure and nature, rural and community tourism, volunteering, education, art, architecture, and also incentive and congress trips, among others. Each and every adventure is an invitation to free not only your body, but also your mind and your spirit. Exchange meetings with Cuban students and scholars rank among the top educational programs –highly appreciated by several world-class institutions. If you are among those who prefer art, you definitely need to come on a grand tour throughout the very best of the Cuban culture: classical and folkloric ballet, jam sessions of Latin jazz or immerse yourself in the world of visual and decorative arts guided by skilful curators. This way your experiences will go beyond the imaginable. Since its foundation in 1999, CubaNatura has kept its initial philosophy: to encourage responsible travel policies. The trips that CubaNatura Tours organizes are easily distinguished by a close and detailed follow up that guarantees their successful execution. CubaNatura Tours offers you the opportunity to discover another Cuba in an ambience of friendship and responsibility. This is one of the reasons why some of the world’s most prestigious institutions have selected CubaNatura Tours as their number-one trip planner. Some of them are: Stanford University, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, GlobeAware, Elder Treks and many others.
There is another Cuba. Discover it! CubaNatura Tours invites you!
Cubanatura Tours Edificio Habana Palace Calle 42 e/ 3ra. y 5ta. Miramar. La Habana, Cuba Tel.: (53 5) 263 0523 E-mail