- Willy L'Eplattenierthe last cubist in the world
I am an economist and I have a mathematical background. That's why I'm very comfortable in Cubism, not in the sense that everything comes easy. Cubism has been developed by chance by Picasso, by Braque... and there came a certain Juan Gris, who for me, is the best Cubist, but as he died at 42 years old he produced a little less than Picasso.
Now, Cubism was developed since 1907, approximately, and abandoned quite soon. It has been a bit removed from modern art, even though there was much to develop.
Cubism is not finished. Although many people say that I am the last cubist in the world... but it does not matter. I think that those who like Cubism, who have sensitivity for this form of art, have a wonderful possibility of having paintings with me much cheaper than Picasso's.