In large urban sectors of the Venezuelan people, there are many who disqualify the conuco practice. This is because the subjectivities built and installed in the collective imagination by a hegemonic culture that puts today's society to dilemmas such as civilization vs. barbarism, backwardness vs. development, modernity vs. decline. But we know that productivity and efficiency will solve the problems the humanity is facing.
In Venezuela, there is a right-wing political elite that seeks to stifle the independent productive activity of our people and implement an economic model that leads the peasant exodus and thus the loss of cultural legacies of resistance of our people.
The Conuco is a production practice that impacts the individual and collective life of the community where it develops; it is a system of small-scale agricultural production, a countercultural practice that seeks to link the individual and her household with the production process of their own.
The Conuco is a cultural space of the community, a school of knowledge that is passed on to the upcoming generations and makes a culture that unifies the peasant, indigenous and Afro-American family around the values ​​of solidarity, equality, respect for nature and the value of productive work, as determinants factors for the construction of a humanistic society based on respect, justice and the dignity of being..