En cada ocasión dimos la bienvenida a muchos y tantos amigos-artistas o artistas y amigos.

Direct flights from Catalonia and other parts of the world have come to the Fiesta de la Cultura Iberoamericana. On each occasion we have welcomed many and many friends-artists or artists and friends, who faced difficulties of all kinds, even of diplomatic nature. Again and again, one year after the other, with fate on our side or not, we have made the Fiesta flourish accompanied by new projects that arose.
Holguín has become the capital of young art with the Romerías, a place of thought and Iberian-American unity with the Fiesta, in love and song to life. To get in touch with nostalgia, watch a full moon during the Fiesta: those are some of the elements of that great cultural system through which the municipalities are linked with the province, the latter with the nation and everyone with the universe.
Holguín is projected today as a tourist destination of great interest. The updating of the Cuban economic model is based on a policy of diversification of productive elements and encourages culture to be seen as a product capable of contributing to both the spiritual wealth of the population and economic development, the promotion of our identity and the most genuine values that sustain artistic creation.