Mexican authorities linked to this sector – based on this title that’s backed up by three basic concepts: tourism, sustainability and economy – put on the map a new promotion platform for international markets; now when the peak season of their main European outbound markets has kicked off.

Mexico, where tourism is the third source of foreign currency income and employs nearly 18 percent of its population, has been recently positioned among the top 15 destinations in the world, as paradigm of diverse journey with lots of excellent experiences, which looks forward to reinforcing this new campaign that was recently rolled out in Germany and is scheduled to be displayed in the UK, Spain, France and Russia in upcoming months, as part of the first stage of its international presentation. These are the leading outbound markets in Europe to the destination where there are great expectations –by the way- regarding to the Russian tourism, for in the late September, as part of the Mexican presence in 2011 Otdykh & Leisure Muscovite fair, arrangements were made for Transaero Airlines to increase from 3 to 6 its monthly flights following the Moscow-Cancun route, plus a Moscow-Mexico City leg in 2012 and the opening, by Aeroflot, of the Moscow-Cancun route since last October 31. This is all supported by Russian tour operators TEZ Tour, Natalie Tours, South Cross, Caribbean Club, Lanta Tour Voyaz, Transaero Tours and ICS, which represent the tip of the iceberg of Russian tour operation in Latin America, a market in constant evolution and growth that’s coming of age and is aimed at praising the destination’s values. Archaeological sites dating from the American pre-Hispanic age, one-of-a-kind natural beauties, dream beaches and a legacy as a travel destination, come hand in hand in this country to offer nice surprises for visitors and that’s precisely the goal of the Mexico Today campaign. The question, the brainchild of the Department of Tourism (Sectur) and Mexico Council of Tourism Promotion, will be which place to handpick and where to go, from the vast and charming Mexican Caribbean to Riviera Nayarit, the Pacific coast, through the huge heart of this universe of cultures, traditions, archaeology and urbanism in different stages from Mayan and colonial age to date.