- Benicio del Toro: What I like most about Gibara are its people
He says that in order to make movies in Gibara you just have to use your imagination «and here you can do everything: fiction, documentary... you just have to create and think what movies we can do».
Warm and simple as he is, he receives the recognition and affection of all those who stop him in the streets of the Villa Blanca de los Cangrejos, to which, he confesses, he will return every time he can.
In relation to the reasons that encourage him to return to Gibara and its Film Festival, he admits: «I feel part of the Festival, I feel it as mine; that is why I return to Gibara, and also because of the bonds of friendship with Jorge Perurrogorría and the respect that I have for Cuban cinema. It is a different event, because it brings all the arts together, with cinema as the focus and the town as both part and protagonist. It is a Festival that offers cinema, culture, and life to the people of Gibara. It is a transforming and mobilizing event».