Tequila Olmeca Strengthens Stance in Cuba
Nearly a hundred bartenders from different hotel chains and service providers across Cuba will gather from Nov. 25 to 29 in Varadero to attend the Tradiciones (Traditions) national contest, sponsored for the first time by the Tequila Olmeca brand.
The contest’s goal –its guidelines focus on the use of the magnificent alcoholic product– is to recognize the knowledge and expertise of the finest drink slingers of our island nation.
As a pre-contest warm-up, the ambassadors of Mexico’s Tequila Olmeca will hold the second workshop of the Tahona Society, an institution that grants the International Assistant Bartender category.
The Tahona Society –it was founded four years ago by the Casa Pedro Domecq to promote the allures of Tequila Olmeca– has reached out to a dozen nations and trained more than a thousand bartenders. The specialized training takes place on the society’s premises as the trainees are prepped on cocktail trendsetters and, in the same breath, sip at the different products from the Olmeca family.
Based in Mexico, the Tahona Society stands for a window of opportunity for bartenders linked to the realm of tequila and agave within this category, but it’s also a place where people can jaw it up on the different categories of spirits and the latest trends in the industry.
Havana Club International S.A., exclusive distributor of the Olmeca brand on the island nation, offers this product as part of its vast portfolio aimed at meeting the demands of the ever-growing domestic hotel industry. This economic effort demonstrates the trust major international companies have pinned on our market by showcasing their brands as sponsors of world-class events here in Cuba.
Olmeca was founded in 1967 and ranks as the world’s fourth tequila in volumes. Targeting a purely European segment, the brand is going the extra mile, hoping to get a toehold in the largest Caribbean island with its array of premium products in the near future. Olmeca Altos Plata and Olmeca Altos Reposado will be the two new 100 %-agave tequilas making up a second row of spirits that have landed on the island nation, a follow-up to Olmeca Blanco and Olmeca Reposado.