Travelling sets our spirit free. We were nomads long ago, but the years calmed us. Now we just move. We use cars and public transportation even to move half a kilometer. Saving effort and time, is the law. We preserve ourselves for a stroll in the weekend. Some people feel snob because they go to the park to walk, do spinning or walk the dog, wearing headphones and sunglasses. However, most prefer to stay home and keep watching TV, the main activity of the close-knit and modern families of our time. Others do not bother with reality; Internet provides them with the whole world in their hands.
So is it crazy to walk around the world? Why bother? When I decided to do it, I don’t know. The road was giving me reasons and I met travellers with dissimilar purposes. There are some who travel just to see the world, to bring their culture and willingly receive what the new place has to offer. Compare and learn. There are some of them with no intellectual curiosity, but landscapes and historic sites attract them and get them astonished at the colors, the sunsets. That leads them from site to site in search of more light for their eyes.
There are travellers of all kinds. Nothing stops the adventurous type. The curious ones end up living what they never imagined possible. Some of them travel amazed at what surrounds them; but there are those who travel to meet, to discover.
Traveling is an enriching experience in every way. If it's for fun or if you do it as a refugee seeking protection, you will always find friends, joys, loves and adventures that will make you feel alive and sure that the world is your home.