Alberto Turiño (derecha), director de Aldaba, durante la presentación de Arte por Excelencias. Junto a él, el autor de la entrevista.

For the national tourist, Aldaba is the company that puts Trinidad at its doorstep, both from a cultural and spiritual environment.  Its unique options are attractive in every way and are also aimed to an audience of all ages and to the family. It is comforting for our team to know that when the local history is shown to the visitors, they hear for the first time the singularities and facts with which is loaded this city, known worldwide for the conservation of its architecture and not always for its peculiar history.
The projects that developed in the Valley of the Ingenios are fundamental in the development of the company, not only for the profits, but also for the elevation of the quality of life of the inhabitants of the rural communities of the Valley.
Currently, Local Development Projects represent twenty percent of the total production of the company, although for the staffing, Aldaba, as an institution, works as a Local Development project.
The creation of a Center for Cultural Diversity in Trinidad is about to become a reality, as it is included in its strategic plans for 2017. For some time, the Office of the Historian of the City of Trinidad and the Valley of the Ingenios are making efforts to unload the Historic Center, as this is a very fragile area, subject to an overload of both people and tourist centers.
The reality is that Trinidad, as a city, as an environment, as a culture and as a history deserves much more than anyone can give. All that is done for its benefit is little ... this is a charming city, with a unique and peculiar cultural heritage. I am proud to be a son of this land and to contribute that it does not lose that charm and continue to transcend in time, for a long time!