- Road to La Paz
In La Paz, life takes place among the apparent imperturbability of the local people, the chaos of a transit never before seen and a diversity of colors, food from the region and typical and modern dresses.
This city, founded on October 20th, 1548 and baptized as Our Lady of La Paz, is the seat of the Government and legislative and executive powers - according to dictates by the Constitution, the capital is Sucre - of the State of Bolivia, it was erected on n tiwanakotas, collas and inca settlements.
From its steep streets, the view is lost by roads between the immense farmhouses that rise over an irregular topography, which leads to the slopes that make up the municipality of El Alto, also known as the "Andean cosmic capital of South America”.
But the greatest treasure of this city is its culture and the kindness of its people, which make the stranger feel at ease despite the three thousand meters above sea level.