Honey in your Lips
Honey is a magnificent repairer of our organism. When there are excessive energy wastes, infectious diseases, accidents or surgical interventions, and extenuation occurs, this food helps to restore those reserves that are in the liver in the form of glycogen and, therefore, helps to neutralize toxins.
In addition, it is a true cardiac tonic, is slightly laxative, antibiotic, and has a great effect on the healthy growth of children, although it should not be administered at a very early age.
Because of its fortifying effect and healing properties, as well as its ability to stimulate the immune system and promote a successful response of the body to viruses, infections and the production of free radicals, many remedies have been prepared with honey since time immemorial. Similarly, it has been used in sauces, desserts, salads, and various mixtures created by mixologists.