Robin Hayes Presidente y CEO de JetBlue / JetBlue President & CEO
Claudia González Directora de Marketing de JetBlue para América Latina y el Caribe / JetBlue Director of Marketing for Latin America and the Caribbean
Jenny Rosenberg Secretaria Adjunta de Transporte de Estados Unidos / Acting Assistant Secretary of Transportation of the United States
Antoine Cros Gerente de Air France KLM en Cuba y República Dominicana / Air France KLM manager in Cuba and the Dominican Republic
Sami Teittinen, Presidente y CEO de Silver Airways / Silver Airways President & CEO
Gabriel Crespo, Responsable de ventas de AA para Cuba y Estados Unidos / American Airlines Director for Cuban and U.S.
Galo Beltrán, Representante de American Airlines en Cuba / American Airlines representative in Cuba
Adela Castro, Representante en Cuba de Copa Airlines / Copa Airlines representative in Cuba




There was great coordination between Cuba, the U.S. and JetBlue to make this inaugural flight to Cuba possible. I’m so proud to have landed in Cuba aboard this inaugural commercial flight between our two countries in over fifty years… We want to be the best airline in the flights between Cuba and the U.S., the favorite carrier, and in doing so we must honor our commitment to mankind. We’d like to build solid and longstanding ties between JetBlue and Cuba’s aviation authorities.”

Robin Hayes
JetBlue President & CE

We’re so proud to be the first U.S. airline to serve scheduled flights between the U.S. and Cuba, and also usher in this new era in travel for the Cuban people. I’m not so sure whether there’ll be a price war between JetBlue and the other airlines, not only for the Cuban market, but also for all Latin America and the Caribbean. We’ve become famous and popular for our unbeatable low airfares.

Claudia González
JetBlue Director of Marketing for Latin America and the Caribbean


The new scheduled nonstop air service will be a great benefit to U.S. passenger carriers, cargo carriers, and travelers,” Acting Assistant Secretary of Transportation of the United States told Excelencias magazine.
“While general tourist travel to Cuba is still not allowed, this new arrangement will facilitate visits for t ravelers who fall under one of the 12 categories authorized by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control.”

And as far as passenger service and cargo transportation are concerned…
“For scheduled passenger or all-cargo services to and from each of the other nine international airports in Cuba, excluding Havana, DOT may allocate up to 10 daily roundtrip frequencies at each airport, for a total of 90 daily non-Havana U.S.-Cuba roundtrip frequencies.
The Department’s proposed allocations offer an opportunity to present the public with a wide array of travel choices in the type of airline (network, low-cost, ultra-low-cost); choices of airport; and choices of nonstop or connecting service”.

When could Cuban airlines fly to the U.S.?
“Before a Cuban airline could offer service to the United States, it would need to apply for and obtain an economic license from DOT.
“Moreover, if Cuban carriers wish to serve the United States with their own aircraft, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would need to evaluate Cuba’s civil aviation authority (IACC) to ensure that IACC provides safety oversight in accordance with international standards.
“The Department also recognizes that significant limitations and requirements remain in place concerning air transportation between the United States and Cuba. While many such limitations and requirements affect U.S. air carriers, a number of them would pertain to Cuban air carriers as well”.

Jenny Rosenberg
Acting Assistant Secretary of Transportation of the United States


The beginning of scheduled flights will have a very limited impact at the onset because Air France-KLM offers complementary destinations to those delivered by U.S. carriers. Yet, the direct impact will be huge bearing in mind that Havana’s hotel stock is limited and that could turn out to be a snag for the arrival of the European, Asian and African tourists flown by us.
I don’t dare make forecasts at a longer term because Cuba’s travel industry is changing way too fast and we don’t know for sure what’s going to happen with the U.S. embargo.

Antoine Cros
Air France KLM manager in Cuba and the Dominican Republic


We count on a vast network in Florida that serves up to ten cities in the state, so different cities like Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville and Tallahassee can be connected… Right now we’re about to close a deal with a Dutch wholesaler with offices in the U.S. I can’t mention its name yet because we’re in the process of closing the deal, but it’s going to embrace a large network of hotels and land products in Cuba. And we’re also making agreements with charter traditional companies in the U.S. that sell tickets through Havanatur”.

Sami Teittinen,
Silver Airways President & CEO


Coming to Cuba is like a dream come true. We’re very happy for being a part of this and for being a part of everything the Cuba market and the flights between the two countries will bring… We can bring passengers to any part of the world because our network is huge. We’ve got over 365 daily flights from Miami. The passengers that want to come to Cuba, Europe or Asia can do it the same way as from Cuba to other destinations listed in our network.”

Gabriel Crespo,
American Airlines Director for Cuban and U.S.


We’re deeply committed to being competitive every step of the way… We’re focused on giving the provinces as much media hype as the island nation’s capital. We want both the Cuban people and foreign visitors from everywhere to know Cuba beyond Havana, to have the chance to land in Cienfuegos and depart from Varadero, to arrive in Holguin and leave from Santa Clara; that is, different combinations between two points or among different points. We’ll be flying to five different airports in Cuba and once we add Havana to our flight list, opportunities will be endless.”

Galo Beltrán,
American Airlines representative in Cuba



The beginning of scheduled flights between the U.S. and Cuba is very positive and will definitely encourage travel and tourism not only from the U.S., but also from many other countries, since interest in knowing Cuba, its natural beauty, its culture and its people, has accrued. Copa Airlines and Cuba share a history of over 20 years. During that time, and in addition to connecting Havana with the rest of the continent through the Hub of the Americas in Panama, Copa has also added Santa Clara and Holguin to its international connection network. All this yields good outcomes for both Cuba and our airline. Besides being the result of the air company’s trust in Cuba, this history that we share also reflects Copa Airlines’ commitment to the advance of tourism and business in Cuba.

Adela Castro,
Copa Airlines representative in Cuba