Acrowned pandemic is right now affecting thousands of people worldwide. Many of them are dead because of it and its devastating effect seems endless. Coronavirus COVID-19, name given to the devastating disease, causes flu-like symptoms: fever, dry cough, fatigue, and breathing difficulties, which may lead to the aggravation of the disease, sore throat and muscle ache, diarrhea, and in some cases, serious acute respiratory infection.

Nearly 80% of individuals infected are asymptomatic or show mild forms of the condition. The infection caused by this virus is not lethal in most cases. Those in danger are senior individuals and people with high blood pressure, heart troubles or diabetes.

The incubation period can take up to 14 days — via person-to-person transmission and through contact with infected surfaces due to the droplets we expel when coughing or sneezing.

In the presence of some of the symptoms, it is important to immediately go to the doctor. There is no vaccine against coronavirus so far, but scientists are working hard to develop one as soon as possible.

Prevention is so far the only way to stop transmission; therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends:


Wash your hands frequently with abundant soap and water;

Avoid close contact with people with respiratory symptoms;

Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing with Kleenex or the elbow crease. Never use your hand;

Vent the environment and clean frequently used surfaces and objects, rubbing them well to remove any dirt or vestige of the virus, which is vulnerable to alcoholic solutions and sodium hypochlorite at 0.1%;

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth;

Avoid traveling to countries with sustained transmission;

Keep a minimum distance of 1m from anyone who coughs or sneezes;

Do not self-medicate. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses;

Wear masks only when sick or caring for people who are sick or have the flu;

Do not go to public, crowded places;

If you have the flu, isolate yourself at home; use different utensils, cutlery, and dishes.

If you travel to another country, go to the doctor when you return to start a 14-day monitoring at home (especially if you have respiratory symptoms);

Respect hospital admission and isolation in cases of contact, or disease is suspected;

Keep informed by the media;

Strictly comply with the guidelines related to disease control.