An increasingly larger number of industrial processes are way too hard to imagine without taking into account the ever-growing engagement of robotics, which is also elbowing its way through in a bid to meet domestic and service-related needs.
Its use is crucially significant in perilous or humdrum works, in jobs that demand high precision or accuracy, that involve dirty environments, high temperatures, pollution or danger of explosion. In practice, robotics is implemented in manufacturing, amounting and assembly plants, in the exploration of outer space and ocean depths, in weaponry, in medical applications, in the building of industrial goods, consumables and other uses.
Robotics engulfs different science specialties, as well as techniques linked to electronics, information technology, mechanics, artificial intelligence, mathematics and physics, just to name but a few.
Its history goes a long way back, from the times of Aristotle, even though it was Leonardo da Vinci who, in the middle of the Renaissance and blessed with his celebrated geniality, sketched out a machine similar to a robot of humanoid features, capable of sitting down, moving its arms, turning its neck and opening its jaws.
Later on, between 1700 and 1900, automation of different activities was kicked into gear for the first time. As industrialization moved on, Henry Ford implemented the robotization of its carmaking assembly lines back in 1908.
The word robot caught on in 1920 when Czech writer Karel Čapek conceived the idea of a brainless man in his work entitled R.U.R. (Robots Universales Rossum).
It was in 1932 when a robotic toy with the ability to walk popped up in Japan. From that moment on, the concept of using robots in services and domestic chores began to unfold. In 2002, the well-known Roomba vacuum cleaner hit the market, living out to date and becoming one of the symbols of domestic robots as we know them today.
As time rolled on, different robots have set in, especially in doing such chores as ironing, dishwashing, dry cleaning, floor mopping, swimming pool cleaning, food and drink dispensing, among others.
In the 1970s and 1980s, the idea of implementing humanoid robots came out.
Science fiction, both in literature and on the big screen, has done their part in moving ahead of time, thus prompting many developers to make their ideas come true. Films like “The Bicentennial Man”, “Sonic Broom”, “Artificial Intelligence” or “Star Wars” are good cases in point.

Robots in Tourism: The Tokyo Case
The concept of “smart hotels” is closely linked to robotics when it comes to its development.
And it’s in Tokyo where the first robot-attended hotel first opened. In it, visitors are welcomed by two robotic dinosaurs that greet in the right language and are tasked with checking guests in.
In the lobby, guests can feast eyes on a breathtaking fish tank teeming with “robotic species”, while inside the rooms, robot Katia is at the guests’ beck and call, even making weather forecasts, flipping on the TV set and the air-conditioner, and doing other chores around the room.
This concept of accommodations run and attended by robots got its big break in 2015 when the first hotel with a “payroll” of 186 robots opened in southwest Japan. The lodging won an entry in the Guinness Book of Records as the first hotel ever conceived under this principle.
The hotel chain says it will be soon opening a second hotel in central Japan (the Aichi Prefecture) and a third one in Osaka, in west Japan.
This new trendsetter is increasingly making way in Asia and Europe.