- Diversity of Travelers.
When it comes to enjoying relaxation periods, travelers have traditionally chosen destinations that stand out for their historic, cultural, heritage and environmental characteristics. Those destinations have been praised for their exoticism, comfort, balance, or possibilities to have adventure, fun, inner peace … and vacationers seem to be pleased by those elements.
Nevertheless, the fertile and ever-changing travel industry has proven in recent years that it’s never too much in terms of emotional needs and pleasures. Two relatively new ways to plan and develop trips are frequently making headlines: sexual preference tourism (also named LGBT tourism) and desire tourism. None of these options should be confused with travels in search of prostitution destinations or sexual tourism.
Although there are many people who don’t totally accept these travel modalities and express clearly moralist stands, the truth is that they are all the rage now.
Perhaps this boom is related to the multiple realization possibilities fostered by both niches. This multiplicity has become obvious in places where they are advertised, since it’s practiced in big cities, by the seashore, in a nightclub or a hotel room. It’s also important to highlight the diversity in terms of gender, race, age, as well as the capacity to be conducted in several parts of the world.
For instance, the companies that foster LGBT tourism don’t need a specific offer for people to choose them. They just have to give their customers a pleasant environment, where tranquility plays the leading role, although some experts point out that gay tourism has been more successful in big cities, where alternative lifestyles run in the face of liberal attitudes.
Although any travel modality meets the LGBT tourism’s requirements, there is a growing demand for international cruises, since passengers usually visit four or five destinations in a short time and enjoy nightlife in those places. There are exclusive locales in many cities or premises where most customers are members of that community, such as restaurants, discos or the so-called gay bars.
Just as it’s expressed by its name, this tourism segment is focused on the LGBT community, but it also attracts heterosexual people, as well as family groups and friends. R Family Vacations is one of the most sought-after companies in the business.
The offers of hotels and resorts are getting more refined, according to a market characterized by high consumption levels. Mexican Riviera Maya’s Desire Resorts, for example, are only marketed for couples over 21 years of age, with deluxe rooms and high-standard services. “Open your mind, get seduced and feel”, that’s the invitation issued by these tourism facilities where wearing clothes is optional.
On the other hand, desire tourism is also practiced by many single people who are looking for couples or want to experiment with their sexuality. This modality usually involves deluxe stay in a totally unbiased environment. Isolated hotels, nudist beaches, luxurious and expensive facilities that offer relaxation and fun, those are the elements that generally complement a successful destination in this market.
Among LGBT tourism’s milestones we find gay pride parades, which in some countries represent a huge show that gathers thousands of locals and tourists. According to gaytravel.com, the top ten gay pride events are:
1.- Mardi Gras in Sidney, Australia.
2.- Amsterdam Canals Parade, Holland.
3.- Berlin Pride, Germany.
4.- Gay Pride Event in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
5.- Pride Celebration in San Francisco, United States.
6.- Pride Festival in London, United Kingdom.
7.- New York Pride, United States.
8.- Madrid Pride, Spain.
9.- Montreal, Canada.
10.- Weekend of Pensacola Commemorative Day, United States