What makes it so alive?
The Zone Maco Contemporary Art Fair, which was open between February 6 and 10, although it does not compare to the previous edition, still maintained a very worthy level of quality and participation of the main galleries of the world, and was reaffirmed as the most important event of its kind in Latin America.
The fact of having more than sixty thousand people visiting its pavilions in just five days speaks in favor of a fair attended by more than one hundred and eighty galleries of twenty-two nations from Europe, America and Asia. And it is so much money that circulates in this art market that one cannot help but blush when learning that one, at a certain moment, got to stand before works that cost what they cost in dollars: Untitled, Jean Michel Basquiat (15,000,000); S/T, Keith Haring (7,000,000); S/T, Alexander Calder (2 650 000); Perro juguetón, Rufino Tamayo (1 300 000)...That these emblematic artists are worth their works, ok. But there are others...
"Art is everything that men call art," said renowned Spanish essayist José Jiménez. Avelina Lésper, a Mexican columnist of renown on account of her daring confrontations against performance, video art and installation, said: "They are endorsing any object as art because this is a huge marketing device that found an outlet to sell objects that have fictitious values and that are not supported aesthetically or theoretically. The works have a fictitious value. It's a mafia and it's a big fraud."