- The human value of art.
Anyone who tries to reduce the unreachable diversity that art has generated and accumulated in man´s cultural history, by accepting only some of its expressions, sins against the very essence of art and against humanity. What defines this expression of the individual, communal and epochal characters is the sense of diversity in human trades and subjectivities that it reveals. None of the classical, traditional, modern or current variants that it possesses has validity without the others, because among all there are levels of complementarity, an aesthetic counterpoint, "familiar" stamps and possible amalgamations that expand their codes and affirm their universality. Only those who, by spurious interests, ignorance or business, castrate the huge fabric without the proper “art time” can deny certain valuable works their rights to permanence and exhibition, whether they have their genesis in the past or the present, share fashionable theories or are not motivated by trite metaphysical periodization approaches, established according to this erroneous substitutive order of the generations.
What would become of a world where it were decided to eliminate the different realizations of the imagination whose mediums, constructive criteria, materials and images bear characters from previous stages of visual art? Would people's spirituality be enriched if it were decided to ban the craft of painting or sculpturing, the engraving techniques and the printed experiment, ceramics and drawing with graphite pencils or inked brushes? Could we consider ourselves to be individuals who are consistent with the evolution of our species, and at the same time producers or cultured recipients of art, if we reject representation, the armed morphologies as semiotic bodies of social ideas, the language of metaphors, poetry, the visions inherent to plastic mediums themselves, the non-figurative geometric or gestural art, and the other whose wealth comes from the vision of the "open work” concept?
The fact is that there are as many concretions of the artistic issue as there are receptive sensitivities and predispositions. That is its wealth as an activity of creative awareness. Therefore, we would be facing a too uniform, poor and boring scenario if art were limited to any of its schools, currents, styles, events and occurrences.