Ramón Silverio, premio Ser Fiel.

«Hail to Silverio, who lives like nobody». This moving sentence was uttered some years ago by poet and playwright from Villa Clara, Norge Espinosa. But those of us who have followed Silverio’s career know how much sacrifice and dedication has come from this man with an accumulated history that sometimes borders on the mythical.
From educating children theater groups to being an actor and one of the directors of the Grupo Experimental de Teatro (Experimental Theater Group) of Santa Clara, to creating amateur groups in El Chanverí, until creating that paradigmatic work known by just about everybody with the only name that can define it accurately: El Mejunje. After that came the Los Colines cultural brigade with which he has traveled around the hills and the most intricate corners of his province.
Only with emotion can you read these confessions made once by Silverio that remains his uncompromising credo: «I believe in an excellent future for El Mejunje. I hope the future will be what life has been like here. I see this as a preview of what the future must inevitably be».