How small human beings are when they make a close encounter with the majesty of nature and year after year the Banderas Bay area becomes the perfect place for this kind of meeting, for one of the most amazing spectacles ever beheld by human eyes: the sighting of whales, with humpbacked species taking the cake. During the winter months (December through March), the humpbacks flip their way to this cranny of the world to mate and have their offspring.

From the deep blue Pacific Ocean, they bring delight with their jumping, fluttering, flipping and mesmerizing noises they produce prior to the mating process. Boats with visitors eager to take a closer look at this friendly titans sail off from different points of the marina. We choose the crew of the Cierlo Abierto, one of the professional staffs, that includes marine biologists who actually care for, love and understand the environment. We leave in a blue, bright day aboard a Zodiac, the most suitable boat because it's not so noisy, so it's a not a bother to whales.

The whole journey panned out to be an unforgettable experience: schools of dolphins jumping and doing funny acts all around; turtles floating quietly with birds perched on their shells, and the expectations that we all had. A sudden stream of water struck our attention and there we rushed with our cameras ready to click. We made out the silhouette for the ripple it made on the surface of the sea, but it didn't show up. We sailed on to Punta Mita and on to Islas Marietas. Once again, the same ripple and a peek at the humongous body and the tail.

We carried on patiently and eventually saw two other whales with their offspring in tow. It was Sunday, so they were pretty lazy and never jumped. Yet, it was wonderful to enjoy so much nature and the immensity of the sea knowing those incredible creatures were around. Make no mistakes about it; the sighting of humpbacked whales is one of the top leisure choices in Puerto Vallarta. However, it must be done with the help of professionals, let alone with full respect and  a desire to pamper these unique treasures.