Federico García Lorca arrived for the first time at the Residencia de Estudiantes (Student Residence) in Madrid in 1919, as a law student, and never again moved away from that "factory of intellectuals." Until his death in 1936, he went from being one of the occupants of the rooms for the students to being a lecturer in the refined hall where he claimed to have attended "about a thousand lectures".
La Residencia (the student residence) was "one of the most vivid and fruitful experiences of creation, and scientific and artistic exchange of the interwar period in Europe; a house open to creation, thought and interdisciplinary dialogue from which emerged many of the most prominent figures of the twentieth-century Spanish culture.”
Now this legacy returns definitively to Granada, to stay in the fantastic building built expressly to house the funds of the Lorca Foundation. Federico says goodbye again to the Residencia and does so with the exhibition Una habitación propia. Federico García Lorca en la Residencia de Estudiantes. 1919-1936 (A room of his own. Federico García Lorca at the Student Residence. 1919-1936.)
To this has been added the reopening, after six months of rehabilitation, of the house-museum Huerta de San Vicente, the summer residence of the Lorca family between 1926 and 1936, in which the playwright also wrote his Así que pasen cinco años, Bodas de sangre y Yerma, and where he stayed in the days before his arrest and murder, in August 1936, at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.
Both actions are included in the Año Lorca (the Lorca Year,) organized by the City of Granada to celebrate the 120th birthday of the most universal Andalusian poet.