Virgin The Virgin of Guadeloupe has been named patroness of Mexico and Empress of the americas. He appeared to the Indian Juan Diego on Tepeyac hill on December 12, 1931, giving as a mission go to the Palace of the Bishop of Mexico to build a temple at the site of his appearance. As evidence, which he miraculously grow roses Castilla in the middle of ice and to stay in their image drawn Ayate, fabric fibers with maguey, Juan Diego. Faced with such evidence, the bishop believed the Indian and until today the painting is kept in Tepeyac. Juan Diego was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1990. The Virgin of Guadeloupe always meant the union between Indians and conquistadors; his face is a mestizo, when it did not exist in reality mestizos that age.

X In Spain, until the arrival in Mexico in the sixteenth century, x is pronounced ch as the French or English sh, and passes around a century until the current j in spelling and pronunciation. When the Spaniards arrived in these lands and heard the sound indigenous sh wrote it as x. Today, in the words of indigenous origin who by tradition is still write with x, it has a three pronunciations, as the case (examples: Mexico, Oaxaca / j /; Xochimilco, Xóchitl / s /; xocoyote, Xolair / sh / ).

Yates The Bay of Banderas is a perfect place for the hundreds of yachts that come together in its waters. Many of the beaches are only accessible by water and people have a different view from that perspective. If you have a chance, do not hesitate to get on one and get carried away.