Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables
Now more than ever before we count on ample information about the many benefits of fruits and vegetables, though as paradoxically as it may sound their intake is quite insufficient to the detriment of our own health. We want to give you a few tips to make you include them in your regular diet on a permanent basis.
• Their main contribution is in the form of minerals, calcium, phosphorous, iron and potassium, all of which are needed in the formation process of tissues, hormones and chemical reaction regulators within the body. • They are a solid source of fibers, so necessary for the adequate functioning of our digestive trait. They chip in enzymes, so indispensable in the digestive process. • They act as toxin removers. • They are a source of vitamins that help us stay healthy and prevent diseases. • They protect us from chronic diseases, like cardiovascular ailments and cancer. • They act as antioxidants during the aging process.
With this information we can take care of ourselves. Let’s eat fruits and vegetables for the sake of our good health.