Focused on meeting the needs of transsexual people from bioethics standpoints, as well as an unbiased approach based on their rights, so that they could express their identity freely, with dignity and respect. That's the purpose of this offer for the sake of diversity

The right to enjoy wellness, feel well, satisfied and identified with yourself, to express your sexuality and balance with genital morphology and gender… That is the nitty-gritty of the Comprehensive Care Program for Trans People fostered by the Cira Garcia Central Clinic, according to its specialists.
With vast experience in treating these people in Cuba, coupled with the National Sexual Education Center (Cenesex is the Spanish acronym) and the collaboration of experts from Europe and North America, as well as national institutions with training in this field, which treat Cuban citizens for free, such as the Manuel Fajardo Teaching Clinical-Surgical Hospital, Cira Garcia Clinic has done a great work in terms of sex reassigning surgery or Genitoplasty.
“Gender reassignment is determined by the person, who is assessed by a multidisciplinary team, following ethics and protocols; since the first condition is to be sure that the person wants to do it, but this patient has to be physically, clinically and psychologically prepared to undergo this procedure,” said Dr. Liset Roman Fernandez, specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics and Master in Comprehensive Care for Women.
“We have operated on cases from both genders: man to woman (vaginoplasty) and woman to man (phalloplasty) with excellent results in terms of recovery and reinsertion in the social and work life. These are complex surgery procedures, but they undoubtedly offer the greatest quality of life for these people. The Clinic features the technology and trained professionals to provide customized treatment and subsequent follow-up,” Dr. Ramiro Fragas Valdes, urologist and member of the National Comprehensive Transsexual people Care Commission, explained.
“But it is not only about this type of surgical procedure,” Dr. Jesus Burgue Cedeño, specialist in Plastic Surgery and Burn Reconstruction, underlined.
“By applying other techniques, such as facial feminization or masculinization, many transsexual people are happy. Both aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries play an important role in this area and we have over 25 years of experience,” the member of the National Plastic Surgery Group and the International Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS), underscored.
“Such procedures as rhinoplastic, recontouring of the frontal bone and supra-orbital arches, jaw and chin contouring, Adam’s apple surgery, cheek augmentation or reduction, which can be also complemented by mastectomy or mammoplasty; have been conceived within this program,” Dr. Burgue Cedeño, pointed out.
The Clinic counts on experts like Dr. Alberto James Pita, specialist in maxillofacial surgery and president of the Cuban Society of this discipline, with over three decades in this field of medicine; who places emphasis on the advantages of assessing the patient with a multidisciplinary approach, regardless of the program stage in which they want to be included.
“Having an external look that reflects how they feel inside is the key for these people to find self-esteem and happiness. We work with that spirit, always doing our best to champion their wellness,” Dr. Maria Antonieta Gonzalez Piloto, coordinator of the Program at Cira Garcia Central Clinic, expressed.