- Art in the space of coexistence.
Certain cities possess qualities that deserve to be lived or visited. They are configured as unique urban environments that make them symbols of eternal life and are usually recognized as heritage sites or wonder cities.
We want, on these lines, to establish a dialogue between two components of common interest: public space and urban art both linked since immemorial times and very active in contemporary society.
The city of Santiago, born more than five centuries ago, showed from its origins an interest in public space. Streets and squares would be the essential components of the public space that waited until the 19th Century to assimilate their status as areas capable of harboring urban art.
The Republican era was lavish in commemorative buildings associated with public space and the period in which European sculptors, especially Italian, set a mark on the city came. The city grew and parks, walks and avenues increased the availability of spaces for art.
With the triumph of the revolution arose new historical motivations and other actors with artistic conceptions associated to the monumental and environmental sculpture. A milestone in the management of the public space-urban art dialogue took place when the Revolution Square Antonio Maceo Grajales was built.
The urban art of the 21th Century is already evident in various areas of the city. The public space continues its expansion or refinement and in its passage, contributing and essential in the Santiago of today, continues along with the art its interminable trip towards a better future.
Telf.: (+53) 2266 9249 / Email: ciudadculturalsantiago@occ.co.cu
Web: internos.occnet.cu