Bienal de la Habana
José y Nuno Sacramento junto a los cubanos Andy Llanes y Roldán Lauzán.

A week after the 13th Biennial of Havana came to an end, Arte por Excelencias spoke with Portuguese Nuno Sacramento, one of the international gallery owners and curators who traveled specifically to the Cuban capital

"It has been a great and diverse art show, with works of good quality. This Biennial is becoming an art fair. There are too many collateral exhibitions, even at the same time and on the same day, which makes it impossible to be present at all the sites.

»A Biennial is very different from an art fair. A fair seeks the sale of art and the promotion of artists and a Biennial should not worry about sales. A Biennial has, as its main objective, to present new proposals that make us think and reflect. They should be innovative works of art, with careful curatorship ».