José Manuel Noceda, researcher, critic and curator at the Wifredo Lam Contemporary Art Center in Havana, for several years he has been serving as...
Osorio does not make kitsch an insolent glorification of bad taste, or a cynical false worship, rather, on one hand, the way to channel the their...
In his book Didáctica de la liberación (2008) (Liberation Didactics), Luis Camnitzer states several ideas that revolve around creation and...
Half a century ago, in 1986, the second Havana Biennial named a jury coming from three continents. It unanimously gave a prize to a piece...
Rethinking art-audience relations in recent Caribbean Art
In 2010 the artist David Perez, Karmadavis, devised an action in which a blind...
Anthological exhibitions lead, by necessity, to critical reviews; therefore in respect to Mímesis (Mimesis), a few words are required in regards...
What were the elements of tradition which modern architects took on in order to develop a language that would establish a dialogue amid universal...
The Biennial aims to emphasize the role of art in the transformation of objects and as a catalyst of social subjects.
Next May 11th the...
The Museum of Fine Cuban Arts, located in the 13th district of Vienna, opened in November 2009 with the exhibition of a remarkable selection of...
The catalog is to the book world what cetaceans are to the sea world. A disproportionate beast that at certain moments, most mortals –and some...