Con cierta ternura
Sueña como yo
Como antes

A massive turnout of so many friends in Havana to attend the 9th Habano Festival is a perfect excuse to take a peek at the latest output of Cuba’s record industry, known around the world as “the island of music.” Visitors will certainly have plenty of stuff to choose from, so here come a few tips.

Como antes (EGREM, 2006) Is Beatriz Marquez’s latest CD, no doubt one of Cuba’s finest contemporary voices. This album culls a dozen songs and boleros, good enough for a firsthand look at the exceptional vocal conditions of such an amazing crooner, nicknamed in her turf as la musicalisima.

Con cierta ternura (EGREM, 2006) Provides songs and boleros by Enriquito Nuñez, an excellent songwriter and lauded performer, founder of the New Troubadour Movement back in the early 1970s and winner in several “Adolfo Guzman” Cuban Music Contest (Grand Prize, Top Award and Critics’ Pick). This lovely album includes 16 songs sung by Puerto Rican Danny Rivera and Cuba’s Pablo Milanes, Amaury Perez, Miriam Ramos, Liuba María Hevia, and Kiki Corona, among others.

Sueña como yo (EGREM, 2006) Is the CD that 3 de la Habana, a well-known trio and band, has churned out in the fusion genre with a dozen titles written by German David Pinelli, Tony Pinelli, Ari A. Pinelli and Jose Barros. In this album, 3 de La Habana boasts pitches and sounds that make Cuban music so special, even with the addition of modern beats.

Mírame (EGREM, 2006) Is a CD compiling Karamba’s new songs, a band of young talented musicians that mixes Cuban traditional music with in-the-swim pop and sounds of the 1980s. This group is penciled in as one of Havana’s top new bands.