HABANOS, S.A. (www.habanos.com) This is Habanos S.A.’s official website –recently revamped- with cover news updates on the 9th Habano Festival, the world’s premiere cigar event summoned by Habanos S.A. and the Tabacuba entrepreneurial group. It provides ample information in both English and Spanish about the business realm and activities related to the Habanos grown and manufactured in Cuba.

CARIBEINSIDER (www.caribeinsider.com) The most clicked-on and comprehensive portal on the Caribbean, featuring information in Spanish, English, French, Italian and German. It keeps web surfers posted on countries and destinations across the region: history, geography, culture, religion, celebrations, events, transportation, lodging, cuisine, archeological sites, nature, leisure and shopping. It makes browsing a breeze through the homepage’s Great Caribbean Search Engine.

EXCELENCIAS TRAVEL (www.excelenciastravel.com) The universe of travel to Cuba and around the Caribbean now in a nutshell. It contains luring proposals in both English and Spanish on travel packages, flights, hotels, multi-destination, theme catalogs, lessons, health tourism, events and festivals, cultural programs, weddings and honeymoons, sport matches and 14 of Cuba’s top travel destinations, among other offers.

EXCELENCIAS GOURMET (www.elsommeliercubano.com) The latest publication put out by the Excelencias Group, hosted in the Cuban Sommelier Club’s website. This is the first magazine –either printed or digital- devoted to the world of wines, sommeliers and the gourmet realm published in Cuba. It counts on the collaboration of well-known experts in the field and its contents embrace a vast assortment of topics and countries.

EXCELENCIAS DEL MOTOR (www.excelenciasdelmotor.com) Published in Spanish, this is just another recent publication put out by the Excelencias Group –both printed and digital- specialized in ground, air and maritime transportation. It’s designed to meet the informational needs of transport experts through history, news updates, events and feature reports that even cover cutting-edge technology and high-tech breakthroughs.