Despite the bustle, he meditates. He always meditates. Those who judge him at first sight are wrong. His life is a permanent journey to the seed, and to his homeland, that planet we call Cuba, which is also humanity.
While walking, it seems that he does not touch the ground; As if levitating, but settled in a firm cloud. He moves his arms shyly and rhythmically, with elegance and at the same time with mystery, without obvious gestures that betray his true feelings. They are the secret gestures that run through his work. Because he is also an enigma and what he does is marked by the contradictory harmony not only of his life, but of all possible lives.
I speak, of course, of a most vital doer who responds to the name of Eduardo Roca Salazar, but whom no one in this world would be able to identify by such signs; Instead, say Choco or Chocolate, let the ancestral force of your culture evolve, and you will have before you one of the most important Cuban artists of all time.
Although his origin comes from a fusion of patrimonial cultures, where the result always denies and surpasses the parts, while privileging a notion of the Cuban rooted in the conjugation of the properly conceptual, the symbolic and the genuinely popular.
This is the Choco that I have seen grow and grow in time, and such the part of the repertoire that I decide to look at when I visit it in its study.
Choco is the face in gratitude, and his work, an essential part of the source.
Pity for those who do not see it, those who, from wanting to forget it, always remember it. They are the blind of soul and the torturers with law. I understand myself.
Chocolate is a prize for this island-planet-humanity, and it appreciates it.