- Arts in Cuba Festival. A bridge of love and peace between peoples
The Arts in Cuba festival “From the Island to the World” at Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., U.S.A. is a magnificent fest of the artistic and literary culture of our country and, at the same time, an expression of the best wishes of peace and harmony of all goodwilled human beings, in particular those of the two nations who, beyond their political differences, may move forward on the road of relations always based on mutual respect.
Among the representatives of Cuban culture who will be performing at Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., musicians stand out in a special way because of their numbers as well as for their remarkable skill. In this singular bridge of love and peace among peoples stand out the fact that in the Cuban delegation there are creators residing in our country and others who are part of the Diaspora, but all sharing the same love for their native land.
All Cubans are able to contribute their share to that promising and collective dream of how we want the future of our country to be: a future in which with everyone and for the good of everyone, as advocated by our apostle, José Martí, no matter where we live, we are bound to make a contribution.