Sizzling cuisine on the largest caribbean island
Patrons visiting today’s restaurants are on a quest for far more than just quenching their appetite. They have become consumers of experiences, hunters of sensations and cultures. That’s why the realm of catering has been bound to reinvent itself and come up with new ways to put bolder meals on the table, plates with an esthetic sense and high service standards, yet without putting local knowledge and tastes on the line.
In recent years, this philosophy –better yet this gastrosophy- has also played a role in changing the way food is cooked in Cuban kitchens, which now get enhanced and nourished with a culture of details. A melting pot of European, African, Asian and Caribbean cuisines –bolstered by new economic management- Cuban gastronomy is beginning little by little to stand out for its variety and adequate cooking manners, an esthetic sense in the presentation of the dishes, coupled with snugger locales and a customized service.
This special issue of the Excelencias Gourmet Gastronomic Directory –also put out in digital format and cell phone app- invites our readers to delve deeper into the sizzling cuisine and lifestyle on the largest Caribbean island, a culinary art whose fusion among local food, gourmet style, traditions and modernity is sweeping foreign visitors off their feet.