Her hands nervously shape the clay while talking about her work. It is difficult to imagine that this timid woman is the author of this work, impregnated with such a strength, and showing an extraordinary talent and an endless love for life.

Martha Jiménez Pérez, a Camagüeyana by conviction. Endowed with the innate talent of turning the fertile local clay into evocations. Taburetes, frogs and candle lamps gather all over her humble house as obstacles on the way for visitors, lighting with their own lights or urging to meditate on the hidden secrets. Martha recreates the human figure, everyday life, the simple and genuine life in her work. Graduated in plastic arts in 1965 and B.A. in Arts, she is currently professor of ceramics at Fidelio Ponce Academy of Plastic Arts and Design. Has participated in more than 80 national and international collective exhibitions. Fifteen personal exhibitions have already been held. Many prizes have been granted to her works that are found in private collections all over the world.

Taller / workshop: Calle General Gómez No. 274 e/ Lugareño y Masvidal, Camagüey, Cuba. Tel.: 53-322 9-1696. E-mails: omar@caonao.inf.cu principe@artsoft.cult.cu