We are now living the last year of the century and the impression cannot bethat this is just another passing year.

The civilized world continues its steady “progress”. New machines have been invented aimed at making our lives more comfortable, travelling is cheaper, safe and faster even to the stars...there is another part of the world where changes are more gentle, its pace continues being the same as if the rest of the world did not count, may be they have less but enjoy happiness, real happiness, “this is another thing!”

Who dares to state that we are more happy and self-fulfilled surrounded by many items? In some occasions this just shows us how little and lonely we are.

However in the Caribbean there are still small sites to enjoy one of those things that the rest of the world has been losing, still they spend hours talking to an unknown person on a beautiful sunset, still there are places that are kept intact from the discovery times and first of all, still we can see something that draws our attention.

It could be a way of looking, a taste, a rite, an idea; we just have to open up our mind and hearts and allow the Caribbean to fully captures us with its spell.

Join us in this travel to the future, but do not forget the present nor the past and especially bear in mind that the Caribbean is all this and much more.

Consuelo Elipe