The Office of the Historian of the City is working since the beginning of the eighties in the task of rescuing old cars and has been shaping the collection that today is exhibited in the so-called Car Deposit of the Museum of the City.

Classic Cars This is the name of the event that has been designed by the Car Deposit as a space to attend everything related to the theme of old cars. "The magnificent caravan of old cars," Mesejo explains, "is the event that raises more expectations. It is a tour in groups along different places of the country on cars regarded as classic. On certain occasions, the event has taken place on Havana City streets some other times, cars have gone from the capital to Varadero Beach and then back to Havana."

How to Become a Caravan Member? Cars of different nationalities dating back from the beginning of the automobile industry to the 1960's can participate. A public contest is held to choose the cars that will join the caravan. The parameters for the selection are originality, antiquity and conservation. Those who want to participate in the activities around this event and are from other countries, may bring their cars to Cuba where all kinds of support and aid will be extended to them.

Visitors in general know that this is a unique opportunity and they always pose the same question, out of amazement: What is the "secret" Cubans have to invent or to innovate in the field of mechanics and parts?

Next Edition The 5th edition of Classic Cars will be held in the second fortnight of March 2002. The size and attraction of the show is easy to imagine; it is not a feature film but a historic-cultural profile of the past in cars that have become symbols for these "modern times".

The participating cars may have their own particular history:

- Chevrolet, Superior K model, 1925. The car has been preserved in its original condition. Francisco Rodríguez García is his owner, the President of the Car Club of Havana. He participated in the caravan all over the island during the Carnival season.

- Ford 1948, Super Special V-8, green. It's 100% original. His owner is Sergio Falcón, treasurer of Havana's Car Club. It was kept without running from 1951 to 1993. When his first owner died in 1950, the widower preserved it and walled in. To recover the car from where it was, a wall had to be demolished to take out the car.

- Triumph 1959, model TR-3 A, golden green. Designed to run in Le Mans car race in France. It may run 137 miles/h. It has preserved all its original components; his owner Pedro Santiago González has declared to have spare parts available for the car until 2025. "I keep the car as a relic".

A Caravan in Varadero For over two hours, thousand spectators enjoy the view of the caravan organized on August 19 in Varadero. A red, yellow and black Ford called the attention of the attendants, a convertible car, 100% authentic, won the first prize. His owner René Perdomo, inherited the car and has always kept it running.

Another car, a 1936 Dodge of Chrysler¾with all its original parts¾was a superb attraction with its enameled green color. It's said that the famous gangster Al Capone and his bodyguards used it during their visit to Havana in the 1930's. Many of the participat cars, among them a 1913 Paige, belong to GRANCAR, the agency based in the capital in charge of rendering transportation services in old cars to international tourism. Grouped in different brands, this agency has currently 57 vehicles, dating from 1910 to 1950. A funeral car of the little town of Bolondrón in Matanzas province caused a major impact. It's a 1958 Cadillac brought through the Mariel Port that same year which still renders funerary services.

Cuba has been declared a Museum on Wheels and thus there has been an increasing demand by foreign visitors that should be met to ride these old cars and of being the witnesses or participants of one of these extraordinary caravans. What is the "secret" Cubans have kept which have enable them to invent all kinds of innovation in mechanics and accessories to keep these old cars running?

In the second fortnight of March 2002, the 5th edition of the caravan is to be held. Don't miss it.