Horse: A Nature’s masterpiece
Horse has been source of inspiration for artists along the History, who have turned on the main character of their creations.
The horse, has been the source of inspiration of poets, painters, sculptors who have granted the horse the main role of their works.Throughout the bravest event that have taken place in history, man and his horse have always been present. "According to the chroniclers of the conquest of the Americas, some territories were easily subjected, due to the fact that many of the inhabitants mixed up the men on horseback with gods riding on beasts. According to such testimonies, when the Europeans came, there were no horses in the Americas. However, if we take into consideration what is stated by scholars, in the Pleistocene, the Equus (true horse) already existed, who emigrated to the rest of the world. Its extinction, after less than four geological epochs, continues being a mystery not exposed yet.What is true is that later, the whole history of independence of the countries of the American continent, is closely linked to this animal. Also linked are the two largest world conflagrations of this century, that in spite of the development in war industry by the nations involved, cavalry units performed daring epopees.
An Irreplaceable Support In modern times, the great development of science and technique has removed the horse from its main role in history. However, it continues being used in other activities fundamentally in agriculture; nevertheless, this is not the only activity performed by them, nor is only exclusive of countries of a rural agriculture.Horses are used in many and diverse jobs: from the hard work of drafting to transportation and the elegant sport of horse riding. The horse is placed in an advantageous position. Most of the nations in the region exhibit different breeds: Arabian, with its characteristic little head and nose, expressive eyes, long and arched neck; the English purebred of long forearms, long and thin muscles whose elegance is worthy of an homage; Appaloosa, irregular white and black mottled skin, used by the Indians; Nez Percé for their journeys along the mountains as well as Quarter Horse, Spanish horse and others. Magnificent animals, many of them imported and then developed by localCuba is not an exception and at present counts on magnificent animals, beyond doubt, this is the product of a hard and steady effort to improve breeds. This has been achieved, thanks to the creation of a high-quality genetic fund. Today Cuba can exhibit an equine population, well-looked after by a highly-qualified personnel and being developed in breeding farms, especially in the western and central regions, most of them run by the National Enterprise for the Preservation of the Flora and Fauna. This work has allowed Cuba, throughAlcona-Ecotur Enterprise Group to be introduced in the market with superb animals Horse development can be seen at just 40 km from Havana in the Rancho Azucarero, a breeding center of English purebred horses, a facility that has been under operation for more than 30 years.
Andalusian horses
Spanish horses have been esteemed for their quality and appearance since Roman times. The Moors invaded Spain in the Seventh Century and brought Barb horses with them. These horses were crossed with quality native Spanish stock, and the result was the Andalusian. It was bred principally by Carthusian Monks in the late Middle Ages.They were superb horse breeders and trainers, and kept the blood quite pure. Description The Andalusian has a distinguished appearance, usually in the colors white and light gray, and bay. It is a compact horse with excellent proportions. The mane and tail are abundant. It has a flat or slightly convex nose, small ears, and its head is set on a substantial neck..The legs are clean Is renowned for its ability to learn and its superb temperament.