Cuba, a sea jewelry box.
In a tropical weather, some 75 km2 of island shelf are the ideal residence of shellfish, fish and chelonia.
Cuba, located in the heart of the Caribbean Sea, is surrounded by the Northern Equatorial Stream, the largest of the world that jointly with the Trade Winds, pushed Christopher Columbus to our shores from the Canary Islands. On the Atlantic, the northern branch of the South Equatorial Stream joined and bathes our archipelago on its way to the Yucatan Strait. Upon turning to the opposite side, its name changes: the Gulf Stream, passing by our northern shores.
It's true that shellfish (specially the invertebrate ones, crustaceans and mollusks) have lived for million years. It's also true that man as soon as he stood up, caught them. It's also true that when the fire was discovered, shellfish were roasted, and man raised the pleasure of taste... But when passing from the Stone Age to Civilization, man granted to seafood, another delicious incentive...
Aphrodisiac! That's the way Egyptians and Greeks felt and tasted, and the Romans granted them the honor of opening their menus with them in their banquets.
This sensual overestimation coincides with the scientific fact of its extraordinary protein potential, the most perfect protein ever known.
Upon discovering Cuba, Columbus made this remark: "Well-made, well-shaped." Undoubtedly their slim bodies were the result of the consumption of shellfish and fish. They had a sort of sea corrals that ensured the supply of this kind of food.