TrinidadSofistication and distinction
Personality, ultimate smokes and a luring history go along with the novelties of the Trinidad brand in its 40th anniversary, now that the Robusto T vitola in an interesting aluminum tube comes out to celebrate the four decades of this Habano.
For Habanos S.A., the occasion was not one to be passed up without the significance it deserves, so that led to the launch of the Robusto T vitola wrapped up in an elegant aluminum tube. This is indeed one of the island’s youngest brand –it was created in 1969– and even though it shines with the vigor of its youth, it does recreate the ancestry, maturity and elegance of the Cuban city it was named after, one of the first villages founded by the Spanish settlers on the largest island of the Antilles whose architectural and historic values prompted UNESCO to declare it World Cultural Heritage.
A very distinguished path In the same factory where the Cohiba cigars are made, the Trinidad brand came into being in 1969 for the exclusive delight of personalities and with just one vitola –Fundadores- that the Cuban Council of State used to present as a gift to monarchs, presidents, prime ministers and other boldface names and friends from around the world. When it finally hit the big market in February 1998, it rapidly captured the preference of the most demanding smokers. With these triumphant antecedents, the brand grew into three new formats in 2003: Reyes, Coloniales and Robustos Extra, with the demanding British market picked as the launching pad of choice for its premiere. Another move that put the brand back into the limelight was the 2007 launch of the Trinidad Ingenios limited edition (ring gauge 42, 165 mm). Within the framework of the 11th Habano Festival and in tribute to the 40th anniversary of the Trinidad brand, Habanos S.A. is rolling out Robusto T (ring gauge 50, 124 mm), quite a promise for its followers that comes in aluminum-tube packs of half a dozen units cased in wooden boxes. Trinidad, therefore, is one of the most significant and luxurious brands in the realm of Habanos, both for its quality and its history that stem from the name of one of Cuba’s most tourist-oriented cities whose colonial architecture is an example of good preservation. As a trademark, the brand is enshrined in the most demanding tastes of dignitaries and celebrities, in the pleasure of having such a gem in the lips, of puffing on a cigar that billows the ultimate smoke.
The Holy Trinity of Cuba, dreams of sugar and tobacco Trinidad (Trinity) is a genuinely interesting place, especially for those eager to dream of and revel in the aromas of sugarcane and tobacco, those willing to know a one-and-only location like this. The old part of town makes visitors gasp at the sight of ancient cobblestone streets that bring back memories of the colonial past, as if they were traveling in a time machine. The fact of the matter is that those pebbles are key symbols because they link the sea, the river and the city, quite an additional charm this village has to offer, coupled with a variety of styles seen in gates, handrails, drawings, chairs, verandahs and red-tile rooftops. On December 23, 1413, during his voyage toward the Bay of Jagua, Governor Diego Velazquez de Cuellar arrived in the future village of Trinidad. He and twenty of his men attended the first Mass officiated by his chaplain Fray Juan de Tesin. He gave the city the name of Manzanilla and so it remained until later that same year. The village throve in strides, but in 1518 Hernan Cortes left the place nearly unpopulated in his quest to recruit men for the conquest of Mexico. Between 1579 and 1585, the town was inhabited by Spaniards and it was finally declared a city. Tobacco, leather and corned meat were the basics of its trade. From 1673 onward, sugar became the sign of the times, the crop that dotted the town with farmhouses and built such landmarks as the Valley of Mills or the Manaca-Iznaga Tower. In the second half of the 18th century wax, honey and coffee were added to territory’s staples and the city throve once again. But eventually time sent the village into oblivion, as if it were trapped in the past. Poor ground communications also played a role in keeping the place almost intact, with its artisans and dwellers caught inside. Today, this is a highly tourist location and the Habano brand named after it helps underscore its image of passion and spells. Hotels like Ancon, Las Cuevas and Costa Sur, among others popping up in town to accommodate ever-growing flocks of visitors who want to take this trip back in time, are some of the luxuries and discoveries this beautiful city has to offer, let alone the magnificent smoke from the supreme Trinidad brand that Habanos S.A. has also put on sale in this part of the Cuban territory.
For visitors, the city feels like a ride in a time machine. Among discoveries and pleasures, they can puff on cigars from the select Trinidad brand that Habanos S.A. has also put on sale in this part of the Cuban territory.