Montecristo Lobster
For its delicate taste, nutrition facts and energizing character, this shellfish is one of the most sought-after foodstuffs worldwide. It’s abundant in the seas around Cuba and its restaurants boast hundreds of creative cooking recipes, like the one cooked up by Cuban chef Bismarck Pondon Arias for the 13th Habano Festival’s closing dinner, this one inspired in the character and elegance of Montecristo, a Habano brand that features balanced strength from mild to strong and a delicate marine fresh after-taste note.
The complex universe of matching products and items is seriously backed up whenever a new contribution to the senses is made, when complementary or coincidental contrasts and harmonies are obtained as they blend in the mouth in a coherent dramaturgy of high and low notes, with their own shades and values, ready to unleash maximum pleasure and a plenitude of gustative sensations. For such delicate balances, the Montecristo lobster was conceived. This dish will preside over the Habano Festival’s closing dinner and the much-anticipated launch of the Montecristo Gran Reserva, indeed a major development for a night that will pay tribute to this emblematic brand of unquestionable leadership among the most prestigious Habanos. The delicious plate with lobsters provided by Comercial Caribex, the company in charge of exporting these gems of the Cuban insular seabed, can be easily cooked in a hassle-free and natural way, with barely some onion, garlic, peppers and white wine, a condition that preserves the foodstuff’s delicate taste and consistent texture.
RECIPE Ingredients 1 lobster tail 1 midsize onion 100 ml of white wine Garlic Red, green and yellow peppers Olive oil Dry tomato Salt and pepper Preparation Cut the lobster crosswise and marinate it with salt, pepper and half of the white wine. Sauté the peppers and the sliced onion and put them on the lobster, looking for a little color harmony. Put it in the oven for 13 minutes at 320 °F degrees. When half cooked, pour the rest of the white wine. Serve together with the sauce –it was previously thickened to the desired texture