This Central America nation of about fifty-one thousand square kilometres has become the ideal model for the development of eco-tourism.

Prodigally benefited by Mother Nature, Costa Rica has become one of the favourite spots for the increasing number of tourists who search reecounter with nature. Located between Nicaragua and Panama, in the southern part of central America, this small country of 51 200 squared kilometers, treasures approximately 5 percent of the world´s bio diversity. That is why, the “ticos” boast of having an enviable inventory of all the riches in nature, in such a reduced geographical area and so perfectly preserved. This inventory contains near 13 thousands species of plants, more than 2 thousand species of diurnal butterflies and approximately 4 500 nocturnal butterflies; 162 species of amphibian; 220 reptiles; 1 600 species of fish (from salt and sweet water) and near 850 species of birds. All these species are located in a wide national system of natural reserves including 17 national parks, 8 refuges of wild fauna and many other biological and natural reserves on which forests - main habitat to preserve bio diversity- very from tropical dry to humid mountainous; and in these variations, there are decidous forests, evergreen, mangrove and beach vegetation. On the other side, mountains offer a unique attraction to tourists: eleven volcanoes in Guanacaste and the Central Cordillera. Some volcanoes are active and there are others like Poas which is significant for the huge dimensions of its main crater - a diameter of nearly 2 kilometers and approximately 300 meters of depth-. It is possible to watch two oceans -Atlantic and Pacific- in clear shiny days from the top of Cerro del Chirripo, the highest elevation of the country (3 820 meters above sea level). Rivers Reventazon, Pacuare, General or Corobici are widely known these days by those who like to raft in their currents or slide in its rapids. Or in Nicoya Peninsula, Caldera, Puerto Viejo or Manzanillo. Costa Rica provides visitors with other attraction like sunbathes or sea bathes, horse rides, mountain cycling, and even a tour around the wild forest in funicular cars.