Green and Blue Caribbean and...
The world is green and blue in Excellences 22. Blue because the Caribbean is like that, big and blue and this is the image that we portrait in our minds when we listen that mythical word. And green because nature is virgin still in many countries of this area. Our aim in this issue is provide you with examples of these colors, to dive on the south of the Caribbean; this is the deep blue, then Western Cuba with Pinar del Río and Viñales; this is a more intense green found in an area of this country that will be a surprise for many that thought that everything has been seen in Cuba. Nevertheless, the Caribbean is an endless colorful palette, as has been stated by all the countries gathered in New York. And I think that in all the conclusions reached, there is another color that shadows the rest because of its strong light: Internet. Does anybody know the color of cyberspace? I don’t have the answer now, but once more perhaps the Caribbean depends on the color of the glass with which one looks through, on this occasion is green-blue, next time, issue 23 will tell us...