The Book of the Month
ALL OF HOLGUIN IN YOUR HANDS The most complete guidebook on the province of Holguin in eastern Cuba has just hit the shelves and stands in five languages. Under the title Cuba: Holguin For You, those who are about to travel there or are already in that major tourist destination, count now on a fast-reading and useful book to both learn and move around the province. The edition was published by the Delegation of Cuba's Ministry of Tourism in Holguin in collaboration with Spain's Exclusivas Latinoamericanas. The paperback format takes readers though 172 pages of in-depth information gorgeously illustrated and written in five different languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian and German. The book treasures a good deal of valuable information on its five sections: Cuba and Holguin, The City of Parks, A Paradise by the Coastline, The Unexplored Nature of the East and Just Curiosity. It also features an addenda with useful tips, the cultural what's on and a commercial guide. The different sections deal with Holguin's environment, beaches and landscapes, the history of the province, its flora and wildlife, and its traditions. Thumbing the pages of this guidebook will provide readers with the most complete information on tourist and recreational facilities, sun-and-beach resorts, nature and the city itself, let alone the region's cultural expressions. Putting all those values together, Cuba: Holguin For You is preordained to become a mandatory consultation for those interested in learning about and enjoying this breathtaking piece of eastern Cuba.
THE WEBSITES OF THE MONTH This website is run by All Ways Travel S.A., a wholesaling and retailing tour operator that deals exclusively with Cuba. Click on this website and you'll have the chance of turning each and every business or leisure tour into something for the books. The company has vast expertise on all hotels on their lists and their travel packages combine great quality with very affordable prices for Cuba's premiere destinations. Info can be downloaded either in English or Spanish. This is the right site to get closer to the amenities this all-in hotel has to offer. Perched on Santiago de Cuba's southern coastline right at the threshold of the Baconao Nature Reserve, this is a balmy, intimate spot hemmed in by a unique natural environment. Sun, beach and friendship combine to form a backdrop dominated by a small but luring cove that runs along as coral reef. Sneaky iguanas and the soundless existence of the historic and renowned Caribbean Sea. Is there anything better under the sun? Now sending flowers is a cakewalk thanks to the combination of love and technology, from elsewhere and to Cuba. Surfing this website is done using an online catalog featuring special offers, a point scoring system, new items, liquidation sales, discount packages and many other sections. Delivery is guaranteed in only 72 hours and you can receive a photographic confirmation of that cherished moment. This is your chance to show love and affection through the language of flowers. Promociones Caribe S.A. is an Italian-Panamanian group founded in 1970 that operates as a direct marketing company for the Caribbean and Central America. This website puts detailed info in the hands of netizens. Everything you want to know about this company is right there divided in four sections. The group deals with the marketing of laminated wood structures and cabanas, kitchen equipment, ventilation and air-extraction systems, cold chambers, drinkable water treatment, swimming pools, cesspool water treatment, air-conditioning and refrigeration. Surf this website and you'll surely find the services and items you're looking for.