Two years after the creation of this organization (founded on February 14) its members decided to drive along in a convoy from Taramar tourism complex (Eastern Havana) to Bellomonte viewpoint, north of Guanabo Beach. After they drove the distance, the members of the club enjoyed the offers provided at the recreational facility in the area, as well as a motor show, with audio and lights. The 360 show kicked off later on.

“Road safety is the golden rule in our club, just like in every motor organization in Cuba and the world. Taking care of the life of pedestrians, drivers, human lives, that’s the very first thought. We decided to accept only 100 members because the smaller the group is, the better we understand each one, with rapport and familiarity. It has worked perfectly so far. We’re analyzing if the list can be taken up to 150, since there are some 30 people interested in joining our crew.”

Despite it is described as a car club, it also comprises motorcycles.