The Zapata Peninsula embraces the Caribbean´s largest wetlands. 70% of its territory has been declared Biosphere Reserve of Manking.

The Caribbean's largest wetlands The Zapata Peninsula lies south of the Matanzas province and comprises the largest wetlands of the entire insular Caribbean. Penciled in as a Biosphere Reserve in as much as 70% of its area and labeled as a RAMSAR location, hopes are pinned on the place to be declared a Sustainable Tourism Destination by the Association of Caribbean States in the course of the ongoing year. This is the region embracing Montemar, Cuba's largest tourist nature park.

Such exotic species as the manjuari a living fossil fish: the ferminia and the Santo Tomas turkey buzzard, two endemic birds; crocodiles, deer and other species abound in their natural environment in areas that can be reached with the help of a company providing specialized guides. Trekking, rural tourism, bird watching, scuba diving, as well as the angling of banana fish, sea bass and trout are just some of the choices tourists are offered in these spots. The huge crocodile breeding grounds at La Boca also rank as major attractions.

Several hotel facilities and restaurants offer travelers lodging possibilities and superb dishes in an environment in which nature is the name of the game.

Guama Guama boastfully presents the Taino Village, a combination of 32 sculptures depicting the way of life of Cuba's primitive dwellers. The rough buildings rimming the Laguna del Tesoro (Treasure's Pond) give this piece of land a very special attraction. A legit image of the Cuban roots is provided by the traditional hick parties and the popular pieces of artistic craftsmanship waiting for the visitors. The Fiesta Campesina (Hick Party) Farm Estate is a picture perfect location whose countryside ambiance could really be compared to a scale down version of the region's diverse flora and wildlife. The best typical food accompanied by Cuba's traditional country music is also right at your fingertips.

The Zapata Peninsula has turned out to be one of the country's major tourist resorts, an environment of sustainable development where such major social and cultural projects as Korimacao, among others aimed at attaining the development of forests, as well as providing preservation and breeding grounds for several species, stand out of their own bushels.

Autochthonous plants, 900 species Mammals, birds, fish, amphibious and reptiles, 212 Sightseeing spots and tourist sites, 45 Percentage of forest areas naturally preserved, 56%