Cuba's ever-growing tourist spiral panned out to a source of inspiration for Tip's Travel in its expansion efforts 12 years ago, the travel agency's General Manager Alvaro Somohano Naranjo said.

Head over heels with Cuba, the exec is putting more and more of his chips on the side of Mexicans traveling to the island nation, and in that respect he's preparing brand-new programs with offers everybody is yearning for.

Mr. Somohano Naranjo told Excellencies his firm –founded exactly 12 years ago- is represented by Cubatur and sends an average of 6,000 Mexican tourists to Cuba every year.

Mr. Naranjo added his travel agency is operating chiefly in Havana and Varadero –a beach resort some 140 kilometers east of the capital ranked as the country's major leisure circuit.

Tip's Travel also sees itself as the leading firm in the sale of special programs and travel packages for the eastern city of Santiago de Cuba, and Mr. Naranjo stresses that his company uses Cuba's airline Cubana de Aviacion as its official carrier.

In Cuba, this agency –ranked second in Mexico among the top sellers for the Sol Meliá hotel chain- guarantees all the requirements to be met in the top-quality sector it focuses on.

Tip's Travel is the market's fastest-growing tour operator in relation to Cuba-based Gran Caribe hotel group, with four-star and five-star hostels.

Furthermore, this agency is on the top of sales in Mexico for Accor Coralia, the world-class French hotel group, a position that buttresses the firm's efforts regardless of its already solid toehold in Cuban tourism.

Mr. Somohano Naranjo, who's also Chairman of the Association of Wholesaling Tour Operators to Cuba in his own country, explains that his firm's stronghold lies in conventional tourism or travel packages. However, they are increasingly strengthening other offers like trips for business people, scheduled journeys and health tourism.

“This year,” Mr. Naranjo pointed out, “we want to reinforce event tourism because we've tried our hand at it in the past and now we're interested in raising these offers in the year 2002.”

Tip's Travel's catalog showcases proposals and choices for Cuba's best-known central-northern keys like Cayo Coco and Cayo Guillermo, or Cayo Largo del Sur, off rural Havana's southern shores.

The Mexican exec gave two enthusiastic thumb-ups to the program that covered the Holy Week holidays, a span of time in which they promoted such travel packages as Havana-Varadero, Havana-The Keys, Havana-Cayo Largo, and Caribbean Sun (Havana-Varadero-Santiago de Cuba), all of them including airfare combinations, lodging and top-notch services. This wholesaler's concerns unfurl Mexicans' interests in knowing Cuba, visiting its major leisure circuits and grasping the shining colorfulness of this Caribbean nation.

Contacts Tip's Travel, Wholesaling Tour Operator for Cuba

Havana's offices Habana Libre Tryp Hotel. Office 311, 3rd floor. L St. on the corner of 23rd Avenue. Havana City. Cuba. Phone: (53-7) 554011. Fax: (53-7) 662177.

Headquarters Tuxpan 74.Col. Roma Sur, Mexico D.F. PO box 06760. phone: 5574-5898 with 10 in-house lines Fax: 5264-1767 E-mail:

Affiliate office Circunvalacion Oriente 145-6, Edo. De México. phones: 5572-0776 y 5374-1305 E-mail: