Ofelita Núñez todavía tiene mucho que hacer.

At the age of 84, actress Ofelita Núñez assumes the leading role of the upcoming Cuban soap opera Más allá del límite, showing off her eternal joviality, privileged memory and willingness to face tough challenges.
A founder of Cuban radio and television, she began her career in 1950 when she won the first prize in the famous contest Buscando estrellas by Gaspar Pumarejo, which was broadcasted through channel 4 of Unión Radio TV, whose purpose was to attract new artistic talents.
During the last three decades, she has performed in traditional scenes in Así era entonces TV show: soap operas like Antonia, Retrato de mujer, Hola, Habana and El naranjo del patio, which have conquered the Cuban public, the latter offering her daily demonstrations of gratitude, respect and affection.
Ofelita Núñez, bestowed with Premio por la Obra de la Vida (Award for a Lifetime´s Work) of Actuar 2014, has received numerous awards, among others: Artista de Mérito de la Radio y la Televisión Cubana 2007 (Artist of Merit of Cuban Radio and Television, 2007) and of the Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba, UNEAC (Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba), Premio Nacional de Radio, 2008 (Radio National Award) and second place in the National Radio Festival.