It’s true that life is so short as a dream and not always pleasant, a bit of a nightmare at times because we all spend some hours doing what we dislike: rushing, working, listening what we don’t want to hear, regretting what we failed to do...

Excellences does not offer solutions for life problems, but provides some suggestions like a trip that may result in an exciting dream, at least for a couple of days. Guess where?


It’s possible to escape to one of the destinations we propose. Simply say yes, choose a destination and make the luggage.

Not everybody has in mind the same picture, so we also propose another completely different destination: Merida in Yucatan, Mexico, where we may either become archeologists and discover fabulous treasures or simply have a good time visiting unique sites and people.

A different tour we can do a different tour in Europe discovering every thematic park where we can go with the kids and dream together.

I f still you need to make up your mind, have a cup of coffee while mentally touring the many cafés found in the Caribbean and the Americas or sip a mojito at La Bodeguita, in Havana, to celebrate if you have finally made the right decision: COMING TO THE CARIBBEAN.

Consuelo Elipe