Excellences Magazines Web Site
Cuba caribbean diamond.

November comes around and the Havana International Fair rolls with it, but this time around the scenario is different to the previous editions. If in 2014 Cuba’s number-one commercial tradeshow and one of the most representative in Latin America chalked up the largest turnout of the past decade, this year’s fair will no doubt be one of the greatest as far as developments are concerned.
For the first time ever, over 130 American companies will be attending within the framework of the new diplomatic relations between Cuba and the U.S. In the same breath, major official and business foreign delegations are expected to show up.
The Excelencias Group will follow and cover this process of expansion and strengthening of commercial strategies that will definitely help boost up the island nation’s economic development, the same way it has been doing for over 18 years when this publication came into being.
Since them, we knew all along that Cuba was the Caribbean’s raw diamond that today shines brighter than ever.

José Carlos de Santiago