Want it or not, the story of The Conveyor is simple: a messenger who "transports packages" for a living and does this on his own terms; number one, a deal can never be modified; two, no names; and three, you never have to see inside the package.
The imagination of Luc Besson and his unquestionable talent have created with “The Conveyor” one of the most famous characters in the early 21st century cinema for the good of actor Jason Stathm, who plays the character Frank Martin, in a series of films (the three first) of action and truly fantastic car scenes.
The Conveyor I was premiered in October 2002, scripted by Luc Benson. The plot is recurring: Frank Martin is the good guy who will save unhappy characters involved in very dangerous matters. The Conveyor III came in 2008. Without Jason Stathm, The Reloaded Conveyor (2015) is not the same. History repeats itself: trafficking in persons (women for prostitution). Is The Conveyor running out of gas? We will see…
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