Excellences Magazines Web Site

In today’s ever-changing and extremely competitive world, the Exclusivas Latinoamericanas Editorial Staff is determined to continue supporting the Caribbean and Latin America by further broadening distribution and the number of languages its publications are put out and posted in, both in digital format and in pulp. Thus, the Caribbean Tourist Excellencies magazine is now being published in Spanish, English, German, Italian, French and Dutch, always in line with current travel trends and the opening of new markets, aware of the fact that the best way of revealing the wonders this region has to offer is through the natural tongues of its countries, the same nations that are rapidly and importantly playing a major role in the advance of the Caribbean and Latin American travel industry. Tourism is therefore becoming a great income source and a way of branching out amid the risks that more traditional markets, like the United States, are posing after the 9/11 tragedy four years ago.

These experiences and teachings tell us that Europe and Asia are out there, with people willing and ready to travel to the Caribbean and Latin America to learn about and enjoy their cultures, their inhabitants and their breathtaking scenery. Countries like Russia and China are emerging with mighty strength and putting huge outbound numbers on the board. That’s where our region should rivet its attention on. We must show them our countries, and we can do it in a better and more excellent fashion. We hope to achieve those goals on the pages of our two new publications: Caribbean Tourist Excellencies in Chinese and Russian languages. With that view in mind, we’ve mapped out an adequate distribution policy that could allow us to effectively reach out to industry professionals, subscribers and the general public.

With the same intention of widening the spread and scope of news updates, we’ll beef up our offices in the Caribbean and Latin America by putting our smart money on such travel strongholds as Jamaica, the Dominican Republic and Central America, by enhancing daily information on our online newsletter Caribbean News Digital (www.caribbeannewsdigital.com) and by increasing the contents of our portal (www.caribeinside.com). In the same breath and in a bid to buttress development and communication, we’ll begin translating our digital newspaper Markets & Trends in order to provide an objective, analytical and updated vision to financial professionals, entrepreneurs and economic mavens from the region. They’ll all have Markets & Trends first thing in the morning –before 8:00 am- in their inboxes.

With these airs of editorial renovation and evolution blowing through right at the dawn of the 21st century, the Exclusivas Latinoamericanas Editorial Staff is simply stressing its commitment to providing the Caribbean and Latin America with a better service.

Jose Carlos de Santiago