Excellences Magazines Web Site
Editorial 10

The Brazilian fine arts take center stage in the tenth issue of Arte por Excelencias magazine. The article, penned by Ruth Klotzel, introduces a brief yet representative graphic swatch of this country over the past four years. We are also putting out the conceptual platform of the 6th Ventosul Biennial in Curitiba and we are now committed with its organizers to promoting all programmed activities within this major event in both our printed and digital issues. The biennial is slated between the months of September and November 2011.

In an effort to provide an embracing and appraising glimpse of those artistic trends that have popped up more recently in our regions as far as participative and social-intervention-oriented arts are concerned, in the market and management of art galleries, in art promotional centers and freelanced entities, we have published the following pieces: “entijuanarte rEVOLUCIONa: arte sociológico”, by Mexican cultural manager Cecilia Ochoa (México), “El arte de la falacia”, by Cuban art critic Hector Anton, and “La autonomía: márgenes y visibilidad”, by Venezuela-based Cuban artist, curator and art critic Felix Suazo. Also in this issue, “Otra bitácora de las islas”, by writer and editor Norberto Codina, and “Casas del Caribe en una visión de anticuario”, by architect Alina Ochoa, contribute from the traditional section on books and catalogs to shed far more light on the panoramic perspective we have set out to portray.

This is issue ten of Arte por Excelencias magazine. It’s no doubt a relatively small number in the cycle of a specialized international project like this, but based on the tremendous financial and communicative efforts we were bound to take on from the very beginning, we were not that certain at the onset that we could really reach this figure in terms of the quality printing, editorial credit and media hype we have now achieved. With the mixed emotions of an accomplished idea and good commitment on the one hand, and uncertainty toward the financial support for this project on the other hand, we now present our readers with just another analytical and informative approach to the visual arts in the Americas and the Caribbean.

José Carlos de Santiago Publisher